About Us

Chelis Bookazine Limited is Nigeria’s leading educational supplier, supplying top quality international educational books, resources and services to Nigeria’s education industry. Chelis has completely revolutionized the school supply industry in Nigeria because of the passion, creativity, total commitment and dedication we bring into our business to achieve our vision of contributing significantly to the provision of top quality, world class education in Nigeria.

Our goal is to actively encourage and contribute to the educational development in Nigeria, to make teaching a joyful profession to the Nigerian teachers and make learning exciting to Nigerian children.

As Nigeria’s leading educational supplier, Chelis Bookazine Limited supplies directly to schools, bookstores, teachers, students, parents, governments, churches, organizations and everyone concerned with the educational development of Nigerian children.


  • At Chelis Group, we are driven by our great passion to significantly contribute to the improvement of education for Nigerian children.
  • We passionately believe that Nigeria is a great country and Nigerians are great people. We are convinced that the quickest and surest way to real development in Nigeria and to excellent quality of life for Nigerians is through quality education.
  • We believe that Nigerian children can achieve as much as other children on any international platform if they have access to quality education.
  • We believe that Nigerian teachers can have more to offer their children if they, too, have access to quality teacher education and regular professional development based on updated, current scientific educational researches on the international platform.
  • At Chelis Bookazine, we will continue to work with top quality international educational publishers to provide:

The best books and educational materials to Nigerian children, teachers and schools;

The best institutions across the world to provide study, further educational opportunities and professional development to Nigerian educators & teachers.

  • We will continue to innovate, create and search out new products, services, value additions, international collaborations and partnerships to actualize this passion


  •  As Nigeria’s leading educational supplier, we must realise at all times that to continue to thrive as a business for many years to come, we must always look ahead, understand the trends and forces that will shape our business in the future and move swiftly to prepare for what’s to come.
  • We must get ready for tomorrow today.
  • This is what our Vision is all about. It creates a long-term destination for our business and provides us with a “Roadmap” for winning together with our partners and staff.

Staff: Be a people organisation and a great place to work. A place where people are inspired to be the best they can be.

Portfolio: Provide to our Country, Nigeria, a portfolio of top quality educational products that anticipate and satisfy children’s, parents’, teachers’ and schools’ educational desires and needs.

Partners, Clients and Customers: Be customer – centric. Nurture a winning network of customers and suppliers so that together, we create mutual, enduring values.

Profit: Maximize long-term return to grow the organisation while growing our individual staff members.

Productivity: Be a highly effective and fast-moving organization, always ready and happy to adapt to the changing times.


Our Culture and Values define the attitudes and behaviours that are required of us to make our Vision and Mission a reality.

• Leadership: Have the courage to organise and lead by example.
• Collaboration: Teamness is the way forward.
• Integrity and Accountability: Be real. Stand up for what is right. If it is to be, it’s up to me.
• Passion: Committed in heart and mind.
• Quality: What we do, we do well.

Our products cover Nursery, Primary, Secondary and Post-Secondary levels of education in Nigeria.

The products include:

• Text Books and Workbooks.
• Reading Programmes and Reading Books.
• Jolly Phonics Books and Materials.
• Montessori Materials and Books.
• Educational Aids – Charts, Posters, Boarders, Banners, Bulletin Boards, Stickers, Puzzles, etc.
• Teachers Resources Educators Professional Books.
• Library Development , Library Books & Reference Books.
• Teacher Training & Professional Development Workshops both in Nigeria and Overseas.
• Chelis School Book Fairs (CSBF).
• Chelis Book Clubs (CBC).

Our clients: Include Schools, Booksellers, Departmental Stores, Governments, Governmental Organizations, NGOs, Churches, Parents and anybody interested in good education for Nigerian children.

Chelis Bookazine is Customer-centric with a sterling determination to achieve ‘customer amazement’ and not just ‘customer satisfaction’!

Chelis Bookazine has over the years developed deep business relationships with some of the world’s foremost educational publishers. We are the official Nigerian representatives of the following publishers:

• Harper Collins, UK.
• Jolly Learning, UK.
• Schofield and Sims, UK.
• Oxford University Press, UK.
• Letts Educational, UK.
• Usborne, UK.
• Award Publications, UK.
• Penguin, UK.
• Ladybird, UK.
• Scholastic Inc, USA.
• Milly Molly, UK.
• Mighty Minds, Singapore.
• Dreamland, India.

We also work extensively with other international educational publishers including:

• CGP, UK.
• Hodder Education, UK.
• Pearson, UK.

Chelis Bookazine is staffed by passionate, dedicated personnel who work tirelessly to manifest the vision of the company and maintain its high standard of performance.

We are well positioned across the country to provide efficient services to our valuable customers. Currently we have presence all over the country with offices spread across eleven major cities in Nigerian.

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