Collins Mapstart 1


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SKU: 9780007320820 Category: Tags: , , , ,


This structured map skills course uses a simple colourful layout to introduce young pupils to using and drawing maps and plans.

Mapstart 1 is a structured introduction to map work for 6-7 year olds. It assumes no previous experience of map skills and establishes a sound foundation for graphic concepts, skills and vocabulary at a very simple level.

Mapstart 1 has been designed with the following purposes in mind:

? to build children?s spatial awareness through the use of familiar objects, toys, the locality of the school and space photos;

? to extend children?s understanding and use of vocabulary associated with spatial location, organisation and movement;

? to provide continuity through the book by the use of vertical aerial photos;

? to introduce children to the perspective of plans and maps and to the representational characteristics of maps;

? to encourage children to observe features and relationships in oblique and vertical photos and maps;

? to foster children?s appreciation of the Earth as a globe.

Additional information

Weight 0.5 kg


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