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Schofield & Sims Early Writing Book 4

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Schofield & Sims Early Writing Book 2


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SKU: 9780721708300 Category: Tags: , , ,
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Early Writing is a series of graded activity books designed to help children learn the correct formation of letters and develop a clear, flowing handwriting style. Pupils are given extensive practice in using the correct handwriting movements, which in time will become so natural that they will begin to use them in their everyday work. The books also contain useful hints for good handwriting so parents and other adult helpers can ensure that children sit comfortably with the writing paper at the correct angle and use appropriate pencil grip.

Early writing 2 introduces letter shapes in a logical sequence; letters starting with vertical straight line, letters formed using an anticlockwise stroke and finally those formed with diagonal lines. The handwriting script features a ‘flick’ exit stroke that helps to lay a sound foundation for joined-up writing.

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Weight 0.5 kg


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